At the moment of our Baptism, the Holy Spirit was infused into our lives. In the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit will be enflamed, offering renewed strength and grace in the lives of the young people of our parish inspiring them, we pray, to use their gifts to share the Good News and serve the Lord in our parish community and in all communities in which they find themselves.
Youth Confirmation 2024-25:
Please note candidates must be at least 14 by August 31, 2024.
Confirmation Parent Letter: click here
Confirmation Calendar (updated 1/22): click here
Registration: Please contact to register or any questions.
Additional resources:
List of Saint Names and Meanings
Adult Confirmation 2025:
Missed Confirmation?
Adults who are a practicing Catholic and have already received their First Communion may prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Archdiocese offers two opportunities every year at the Cathedral or Basilica in Baltimore. The next Archdiocesan celebration of Adult Confirmation is June 8. A streamlined immediate preparation course is available now.
Register for preparation by completing this form, contacting Dr. Lauri Przybysz, Pastoral Associate for Evangelization, or call the Faith Formation Office, 410-923-6953.