Welcome to Our Lady of the Fields!
We hope that you find our website useful in learning about our parish and all of the opportunities that exist here for you and your family. Are you interested in learning more about becoming a parishioner of Our Lady of the Fields? Or have you recently joined our parish and want to learn about ways to get involved?
Contact our Parish Office at 410-923-7060 for general questions, to pick up a Welcome Packet, or to set up a tour of our church.
Download a New Parishioner Registration Form.
Click here for Mass Times and Directions.
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The Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation will coordinate the preparation for Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation as well as provide information for our Children’s Faith Formation classes and Vacation Bible School. Call 410-923-6953 or email faithformation@olfparish.com
To schedule a baptism, parents will need to register for Baptism Prep classes. Contact Debbie Kitchen.
Missed a sacrament? Life happens. We understand and will work with you to get caught up! For those adults interested in becoming Catholic (RCIA), contact the Faith Formation office.
For funerals, please contact Alex Ashman. For weddings, please send an email to our Wedding Liaison.
Anointing of the Sick is offered to those who are ill or suffering, especially near the time of death. Please contact the Parish Office at 410-923-7060 to request one of our priests if you or a loved one desires this sacrament.
Adult Faith Formation
Interested in growing in your faith as an adult? Our Lady of the Fields offers Bible Studies, prayer groups, and other community-building and faith-sharing experiences for adults. Learn more here or reach out to our Faith Formation Office.
Youth Ministries
Through our Middle School Youth Ministry and High School Youth Ministry, peer group of volunteers are responsible for creating a fun-filled, nurturing, and welcoming environment for our teenage parishioners to grow in their faith and build their own relationship with Christ. As an essential component of our youth program, we focus on community service and social outreach to help those less fortunate. Interested? Please email youthministry@olfparish.com.
Discerning a Vocation
If you feel a call to ministry, either as a priest, deacon, or religious sister, we encourage you to make an appointment with one of our priests or contact the Archdiocese of Baltimore Office of Vocations.